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Standard rotary dehumidifier

Brief description:★ Dehumidification according to the national standard: standard wheel dehumidifier import dry ball temperature 27℃, relative humidity 60%, runner wind speed 3m/s regeneration heating temperature 140℃ test value。★ Regenerative heating conventional use of electric heating and steam heating, according to customer requirements with thermal oil, city natural gas, gas ★ the default configuration of the unit for electric heating。The steam selected for regenerative heating is: 0.4~0.6MPa saturated steam ★ The unit can be specially combined according to the user site, such as horizontal, vertical and other models。Heat preservation type and non-heat preservation type。

  • Product model:TRL-550P
  • Nature of manufacturer:manufacturer
  • Update time:2024-05-14
  • Number of enquiries: 2209

Detailed introduction

品牌ZHONGYOU/ Zhongyou

First, TRL-550PStandard rotary dehumidifierComprehensive performance

★ Overload protection: dehumidifier fan, regenerative fan, reducer motor overload alarm

★ Runner protection: regenerative heating temperature exceeded, runner stop protection alarm

★ Component damage protection: temperature and humidity sensor, temperature sensor damage alarm

★ Phase sequence protection: prevent motor reversal from causing damage。

★ Energy saving control: After reaching the user's target, stop the operation of high energy consumption equipment。

Second, TRL-550PStandard rotary dehumidifierCore dehumidification wheel

★ The surface activity of silica gel is high, and the dehumidification efficiency is still played in the range of low humidity environment。

★ Large dehumidification, making its manufacturing volume smaller。

★ Synthesized on the honeycomb body, there is no adhesive obstruction dehumidification effect。

★ The substrate is porous fiber, so it has up to 82% active silicone gluing。

★ The dehumidification wheel adopts synthetic technology, and there is no precipitation phenomenon after the moisture absorption of silica gel。

★ After the use of synthetic technology, so that it has a long dehumidification wheel service life。And can be cleaned with water。

★ Excellent fire resistance, 1 more than dip type runner.More than 6 times。(regeneration at temperatures below 180℃)

★ High strength performance, the surface compressive strength of the runner medium exceeds 200Kpa (2 kg force/cm2)。

Third, TRL-550P部件

★ Intelligent control system  

    Kelle is the first in the industry to apply PLC technology to the rotary dehumidifier, truly realize the human-machine interface at a glance。PLC controller has the characteristics of high degree of automation, low failure rate, high control accuracy, strong convertibility, etc. It is one of the main parts of the rotary dehumidifier。

★ Can be set humidity: unit outlet or room temperature and humidity can be set on the unit, when the humidity reaches the unit to stop regenerative heating, dehumidifier fan still maintains indoor circulation, when the humidity is greater than the set value, regenerative heating, regenerative fan operation to achieve energy saving and humidity control purposes。

★ Regenerative heating protection: When the regenerative temperature exceeds the set value, the regenerative heater stops working, and when the rotary dehumidifier fails, the regenerative heater stops working。Prevent accidents caused by uncontrolled regenerative heating

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